I am off to Buenos Aires for the next three months! I want keep you all updated on my adventures and travels through my blog!

Monday, November 1, 2010

A Weekend in Mendoza

The view from our deck at the Cabana
Last weekend we took a group trip to San Rafael in Mendoza. Mendoza is a province in western Argentina known for their excellent vineyards and beautiful senery. I wonder whose idea it was to take 50 students, half of them under 21, to wine country. sheesh...
Anywho, we stayed in a beautiful place right on the Atuel River, south of San Rafael. It took a 12 hour bus ride to get there.  We arrived and went for a hike in the mountians. The hotel fed us breakfast, lunch and dinner all weekend, which was very good! We got a snack every afternoon as well. I ate too much! The Next day we went rapelling and ziplining, lots of fun!  I was suprised to see that the break device on the zipline was a man that probably wieghed less then me! haha! That afternoon we toured two vineyards. The first one we looked at was huge! The second one was family owned. It was interesting to see how they were run differently. The next day we went river rafting and packed up to go home! Another 15 hours and we were successfully back in Buenos Aires.  A short little trip but absolutely beautiful senery!

Hiking through the foothills of the Andes 
View from the repelling point

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